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35 Free Sales Tools to Make Selling Simple

56 Free Sales Tools to Make Selling Simple

blog author
Written by Erica Schultz
Chief Marketing Officer, RAIN Group

Sales tools can help you standardize processes, improve your skillset, and make the best use of your time. We’ve compiled all our free tools to help you succeed—browse below for resources covering every topic of sales.


Skills Assessments for Sales Training

Selecting a Sales Skills Assessment for Sales Training Development

Included in the Getting Started with Sales Skills Assessments ebook

By leveraging sales skills assessments, you can craft a sales training program that addresses your team's development needs. Learn how you can select an assessment that fits your sales organization.

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10 Powerful Questions for Needs Discovery

10 Powerful Questions for Sales Meetings

Included in the Sales Discovery Call Toolkit

Asking questions is a key part of the needs discovery process. Dig deeper than your buyers' surface-level needs and craft a solution that resonates with them.

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Grow Your Key Accounts

Grow Your Key Accounts

If you have growth goals, account retention and expansion should be a priority. Research shows that a 5% increase in customer retention increases profits by as much as 95%. Get 57 questions to drive your key account growth strategy.

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Tips to Build Value in Sales Negotiations

Tips to Build Value in Sales Negotiations

Included in the Mastering Sales Negotiations Toolkit

Trade for value and minimize concessions in negotiations. This checklist helps you get to the heart of your buyer’s challenges and win negotiations on more favorable terms.

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Planning to Win Sales Negotiations

Planning to Win Sales Negotiations

Included in the Mastering Sales Negotiations Toolkit

Sellers who don’t plan for negotiations lose before the conversation starts. Use the 7 categories in this checklist to ensure you're prepared from the start.

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How to Manage a Sales Negotiation to Your BATNA

Actively Manage a Sales Negotiation to Your BATNA

Included in the Mastering Sales Negotiations Toolkit

Your BATNA, or Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement, helps you understand when you should walk away from a deal. Make a plan, stay on track, and avoid terms not in your best interest with this guide.

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Take the Lead in Virtual Selling

Take the Lead in Virtual Selling

Included in The Ultimate Virtual Selling Toolkit

There’s less room for mistakes when you sell virtually. Even the fundamentals of selling can be different in a virtual environment—not to mention challenges of technology and productivity. Lead engaging virtual meetings with this list of actionable steps.

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LinkedIn Checklist

LinkedIn Actions to Take For Success

Included in the LinkedIn for Sales Guide

82% of buyers will look up a seller on LinkedIn before responding to a seller’s prospecting outreach. Be prepared and build credibility by taking specific actions to strengthen your profile and leverage LinkedIn for pipeline growth.

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Prepare Your Convincing Story

Prepare Your Convincing Story

Included in How to Make Persuasive Sales Presentations Toolkit

Storytelling in sales helps establish impact, build trust, and demonstrate the value of your solution. Use this framework and checklist to tell strong stories and address frequently overlooked elements of a sales presentation.

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My Plan for Sales Coaching Checklist

My Plan for Sales Coaching

Included in How to Build a Sales Coaching Plan

This checklist includes common sales coaching activities you can use to guide your sales coaching initiatives and make the biggest impact with your sellers.

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How to Choose a Sales Training Provider

How to Choose a Sales Training Provider

Sales training is a sizable investment with a distinct possibility of failure. This checklist gives you the means to analyze potential sales training providers and determine if they're a good fit for your organization.

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AI in Sales Prospecting Checklist

AI in Sales Prospecting

In addition to its other applications for sales organizations, AI is poised to help sellers make the best use of their time prospecting. Research prospects, craft compelling offers, and get sample prompts to help you apply AI tools to your prospecting process.

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Running a Successful Sales Training Program

Every sales training program has a long list of logistics you must attend to if you want it to run smoothly. Manage all of the moving parts of your next training initiative and make it exceptional.

Download now. >>

Sales Call Planning Guide

Sales Call Planning Checklist

When you have a plan for your sales calls, you'll be able to ask the right questions and take charge of the conversation. Set specific objectives and map out your calls for smoother buyer communications.

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The Cost of New Seller Turnover

Seller turnover is costly—especially with new sellers that haven't started to contribute. Learn the true cost of new seller turnover for your organization.

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Sales Conversation Planner

Sales Conversation Planner

Included in The Ultimate Virtual Selling Toolkit

Go into your sales conversations prepared to take the lead with this guide to engaging buyers and keeping discussions on track.

Download now. >>

Attraction Campaign Brief

Attraction Campaign Brief

Included in 4 Steps to Fill Your Pipeline with Quality Opportunities

Creating conversations with new prospects can be a challenge even for experienced sellers. You can start by running an Attraction Campaign—a series of messages with value-based offers customized to the target buyer. Get started with this template.

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Goal Setting Worksheet

Goal Setting Worksheet

Goals give you a destination to work toward and are especially important in sales. In our Goal Setting Worksheet, we provide a framework and action planning process to help you set and meet your goals.

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Prospecting Meeting Calculator

Included in Sales Prospecting Made Simple Toolkit

If you want to meet your prospecting goals, you need a solid understanding of pipeline metrics and how they impact your sales results. This calculator helps you determine the number of prospecting actions you need to take to meet your revenue targets.

Download now. >>

Sales Hiring Interview Questions PDF

Sales Interview Questions to Elevate Your Recruiting

Interview with intent and hire the right sellers on the first try. Use this collection of 125+ sales interview questions to conduct engaging and insightful interviews and improve your recruiting process.

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Slide Decks

13 Tips to Master Your Next Proposal Presentation

13 Tips to Master Your Next Proposal Presentation

Proposal presentations are essential for answering lingering questions, demonstrating impact, and closing sales. Done well, a presentation deepens trust and helps differentiate you from the competition. Learn how to prepare for your next presentation and leverage it into a win.

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17 Tips to Take Your Prospecting to the Next Level

17 Tips to Take Your Prospecting Skills to the Next Level

Successful prospecting means stronger pipelines, more qualified opportunities, and increased closes. If you avoid prospecting or just want to lead productive conversations with leads, this deck shares tips to help you master prospecting.

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22 Sales Tips for Hybrid Selling

22 Sales Tips for Hybrid Selling

In a hybrid sales environment, you need to be adaptable and willing to reach buyers wherever they are. Based on our research on effective modern sales techniques, this deck shares tips, ideas, and resources for any sales environment.

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13 Golden Rules of Email Prospecting

13 Golden Rules of Email Prospecting

Email is an essential part of any prospecting plan, but it’s easy to do poorly. The good news is that buyers want to hear from you—you just need to develop messaging that’s relevant and timely for them. In this deck, we share data-based best practices for strong email prospecting.

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Top 8 Virtual Selling Challenges

How to Tackle the Top 8 Virtual Selling Challenges

Virtual selling is here to stay, but its hurdles and pitfalls remain. Learn the top 8 challenges facing virtual sellers—and what you can do to mitigate them in your own sales outreach.

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54 Sales Quotes to Motivate and Inspire

54 Sales Quotes to Motivate and Inspire

Need a little motivation? This collection of sales quotes from our books, research reports, white papers, and award-winning blog can help.

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Insight Across the Buying and Selling Process

Insight Across the Buying and Selling Process

Included in Change the Buyer Conversation with Insight Toolkit

The best modern buyers focus on the value they can deliver to the buyer, striving to educate them with new ideas and insights. This model outlines how to apply insight selling across the entire sales process and get buyers thinking differently.

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6 Essential Rules of Sales Negotiation

6 Essential Rules of Sales Negotiation

Included in Mastering Sales Negotiations Toolkit

Based on decades of experience and our research on sales negotiation, we’ve uncovered 6 rules to lead productive negotiations. When you internalize these rules, you can win negotiations at better terms, build stronger agreements, and adapt to anything the buyer throws your way.

Download now. >>

How to Tell a Convincing Story

How to Tell a Convincing Story

Included in How to Make Persuasive Sales Presentations Toolkit

How can you excite and inspire your buyers in your conversations with them? Our Convincing Story framework is adaptable, enabling you to lead persuasive conversations at any stage of the sales cycle.

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Productivity Code Model

The Productivity CodeTM

Included in Unlocking the Productivity Code

The most successful sellers are motivated, focused, and goal-oriented. But what makes them more productive than others? In this ebook, we share secrets of highly productive sellers and tips to change your habits and harness your motivation.

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The Essential List of Sales Metrics

The Essential List of Sales Metrics

Making improvements in your sales organization starts by knowing your metrics. No company tracks them all, but this comprehensive list shares the most important metrics to know for fostering long-term growth.

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How to Implement Hybrid Sales Training PDF

How to Implement Hybrid Sales Training

Hybrid sales training is the best of both worlds when it comes to engagement and flexibility. This guide outlines how to run an effective hybrid training program that justifies the investment.

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45 Tips to Master the Executive Sale

45 Tips to Master the Executive Sale

Adopt a new mindset and refine your approach to selling to senior executives. In this infographic, you'll get 45 actionable tips on how to engage with executives, get on their agendas, and stay there.

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The 5 Ws of Connecting with B2B Buyers

The 5 Ws of Connecting with B2B Buyers

Plan your buyer outreach with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. When you can target the right buyers with the right content, you'll build more connections and set more meetings.

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11 Best Practices for Sales Onboarding

11 Best Practices for Sales Onboarding

An effective onboarding program reduces new hire turnover and improves seller performance. Invest in onboarding that prepares new sellers to succeed in their roles.

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10 Key Roles of the Best Sales Managers

Sales managers must play 10 key roles to drive top performance on their teams. Learn which capabilities contribute to these roles and how they lead to management success.

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10 Ways to Achieve Your Top Sales Priorities

In a world of short-term goals, setting impactful long-term sales priorities is critical. Learn where sales and enablement leaders focus when strategizing for the future, and how you can achieve your own priorities.

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10 Ways to Use AI in the Sales Process

10 Ways to Use AI in the Sales Process

The world of sales is already being impacted by AI. Based on research on how sales professionals are adopting AI, get started with one of these 10 use cases for AI tools across the sales process.

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How to Sell Across the Sales Cycle

How to Sell Across the Sales Cycle

Manage your opportunities and master the skills necessary across every stage of the sales cycle. From prospecting to closing the sale, learn what's necessary to excel at any point in your sales process.

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5 Ways to Win Buyers Over

5 Ways to Win Buyers Over

Buyers don't think sellers are effective in key areas that influence their purchasing decisions. Learn the 5 biggest capability perception gaps between buyers and sellers, where sellers can focus to win buyers over.

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8 Ways to Maximize B2B Sales

Keep revenue flowing and stay in the winner's circle by doubling down on these 8 areas identified as opportunities for improvement.

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11 Sales Skills

11 Sales Skills to Help You Cross the Finish Line

When you’re looking to improve your sales skills, you need to choose what to focus on to get the best results. This infographic shares the top 11 skills representing the biggest skill gaps between top-performing sellers and the rest.

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30 Must-Know Prospecting Stats

30 Must-Know Sales Prospecting Stats and What They Mean for Sellers

Based on our research and analysis on prospecting, we share must-know stats on what works in a modern prospecting environment.

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16 Negotiation Tactics

16 Negotiation Tactics Buyers Use in Sales Negotiations

When buyers approach negotiations collaboratively, it enables you to create possibilities that build value for both sides. However, some buyers may just be trying to get more out of you. Recognize positional negotiation tactics when they arise and know how to respond with the breakdown in this infographic.

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10 Essential Selling Skills

10 Essential Selling Skills

What do sales winners do differently? We share skills and habits common to strong sellers and how each can improve your performance and give you a competitive edge.

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10 Steps for Growing Your Key Accounts

10 Steps for Growing Your Key Accounts

Retaining customers is key to any growth plan—every company should have a strategy in place for account retention and expansion. Evaluate your own strategic account management plan with these 10 steps for account growth.

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The 6 Essential Rules of Sales Negotiation

6 Essential Rules of Sales Negotiation

Negotiations are more competitive than ever, but the best negotiators can stay confident and achieve target pricing. In this infographic, we share 6 rules to lead more confident and productive negotiations.

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The Road to Becoming an Insight Seller

The Road to Becoming an Insight Seller

As selling has evolved, solution-based selling is no longer the only way to win sales—in fact, it’s simply the price of entry. Get steps to evolve your sales process, build value for buyers, and sell with insight.

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5 Roles of a Successful Sales Coach

5 Roles of a Successful Sales Coach

Sales leadership goes beyond managing day-to-day responsibilities. To become an effective sales coach, you need to dedicate time and energy to the development of your team. Learn the 5 roles sales coaches must play to produce strong results.

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9 Ways to Crush Your Sales Goals

9 Ways to Crush Your Sales Goals

There’s no silver bullet to hit your sales goals, only hard work and mastery of a range of skills. Stay competitive and keep up with your targets with the tips in this infographic.

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Defend Yourself Against Productivity Dragons

Defend Yourself Against Productivity Dragons

Where does your time go every day? There’s always someone or something vying for your attention, and the day can get away from you if you don’t know how to stay on-task and prioritize your most impactful activities.

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8 Tips for Beating Your Sales Goals

8 Tips for Beating Your Sales Goals

Even small improvements in win rate can have a huge impact on revenue. Focus on these 8 key areas to beat your sales goals and become a top performer.

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Climb Your Way to Virtual Selling Success

Climb Your Way to Virtual Selling Success

Close the gap between what buyers want and how you sell. Learn the top factors that influence purchasing decisions and how you can adjust your sales process to match.

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5 Sales Skills to Differentiate Your Team

5 Sales Skills to Differentiate Your Team

Meet challenging sales goals and set yourself apart from the competition with this data-backed infographic on the strongest skills of top-performing sales organizations.

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4 Ways to Take the Lead in Virtual Selling

Virtual selling is here to stay—and it takes more than just setting up Zoom meetings to succeed. Learn the 4 critical areas where sellers need to take the lead to thrive in virtual sales.

View now. >>

Thanks for browsing our collection of sales tools! Is there something you'd like to see covered, or a way we can help your organization develop your sellers? Reach out through our contact form.

Last Updated October 9, 2024

Topics: Sales Performance Improvement
