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RAIN Group Total Access

Develop top performers and drive business results with subscription-based sales training.

More than ever, you need sellers who excel in a variety of skills across the sales cycle to drive the best results.

From filling the pipeline, leading a thorough needs discovery, and communicating value to crafting solutions, presenting, and growing accounts, you need multi-skilled sellers who outperform the competition and win.

Approaching this one skill at a time takes years—if you don't lose everyone to turnover before then.

RAIN Group Total Access is subscription-based sales training that gives you access to our entire suite of training modules, videos, tools and assets, Train the Trainer and Train the Coach, learning journeys, and implementation support across sales skill, productivity, management, and coaching areas.

Train cohorts concurrently, assign different curricula per division, and launch on-site and virtual instructor-led, self study, and hybrid training on your schedule for a low per-person subscription.

Adopt a complete and robust sales method to drive top sales performance.

Included with Total Access

  • Complete access to world-class, award-winning sales training and materials across the Top-Performing Seller and Sales Manager models
  • 86 modules covering the complete sales cycle, including 12 pre-built programs
  • 4 delivery modalities, including instructor-led training (ILT), virtual ILT (VILT), hybrid, and self study
  • Manager coaching guides and application assignments for each module
  • 11 core sales planning tools for conversations, opportunities, account management, prospecting, and more
  • 90-Day Sales Achievement Challenge implementation and coaching guide to embed new behaviors in sellers’ workflows
  • Just-in-time learning with bite-sized videos, job aids, and tools quickly accessible when sellers need it
  • Training implementation best practices, checklists, and tools to launch successful initiatives
  • Train the Trainer and Coach Certification processes to get your team certified to deliver the material
  • Facilitator walkthroughs of all modules with best practices and proven delivery techniques

Award-Winning Sales Training for Sellers and Sales Managers

RAIN Group Total Access enables you to train sellers and sales managers flexibly on topics across the Top-Performing Seller and Sales Manager models. You can use our pre-built curriculum in each subject area or create a curriculum unique to your company in the following areas:

Top-Performing Seller Model

Ensure Implementation, Adoption, and Results



Create new learning journeys and tailor programs to your company’s specific way of selling.



Deliver as much or little as you like from small groups to large roll outs.


Develop curricula and deliver as it fits your schedule across modalities.

Accelerated Onboarding

Maximize new-seller onboarding success and shorten time to full productivity.

Budget Friendly

Subscribe annually or multi-year and build capabilities across your organization.

World-Class Training

Access to our world-class training that works, sticks, and transfers on the job.

Complete Sales Method

Cover all aspects of sales skills, productivity, sales management, and sales coaching.

LMS Flexibility

Deliver directly through RAIN Group’s world-class LMS or on your own.

Train the Trainer and Coach Certification 

Certify your management and enablement teams to deliver RAIN Group training modules and coaching sessions.

Implementation Support and Professional Services

Get access to our Customer Success Team to ensure initiative success and results along with facilitation, coaching, and certification as needed.

Training Modalities

Onsite Instructor-Led Training

Onsite Instructor-Led Training

Virtual Sales Training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training


Hybrid Training



Contact Us

Bring RAIN Group’s suite of award-winning sales training programs to your organization for a low per-person subscription. Contact us to learn more.


What sales skill areas does Total Access include?

Total Access includes complete access to RAIN Group’s award-winning training modules. This includes 86 learning modules and 383 videos across the following skill areas:

  • Foundations of Consultative Selling
  • Advanced Consultative Selling
  • Strategic/Key Account Management
  • Winning Major Sales
  • RAIN Sales Prospecting
  • RAIN Sales Negotiation
  • 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity
  • Virtual Selling
  • Selling to Senior Executives
  • Coaching for Action and Accountability
  • RAIN Sales Management
  • RAIN Sales Coaching

With Total Access, you get a pre-built curriculum for each of these areas that we’ve developed over two decades and have found to be most effective for our clients.

What delivery modalities are available?

Through Total Access, you have the flexibility to train your team wherever they are and whenever they need it.

  • In person instructor-led training (ILT): Maximize in-person time through large- and small-group activities to build skills and drive adoption with supporting pre-work and post-event coaching to ensure learning sticks and behaviors change.
  • Virtual instructor-led training (VILT): Our approach to virtual training includes a combination of spaced repetition, micro learning, multimedia, coaching, and practical assignments to improve learning and retention.
  • Self Study: Train participants through video and self-study modules and drive accountability and adoption with our Self Study+ approach that includes peer review and coaching.
  • Hybrid: Create a virtual wrap-around to in-person training events where knowledge transfer and reinforcement is completed virtually and in-person time is reserved for collaboration and practice.
What is a module? How do they work?

We’ve taken our suite of sales training programs and broken them down into a rich and deep library of 86 distinct, portable modular blocks of learning. Each module is self-contained and includes pre-work, practice, coaching, and reinforcement to ensure training sticks and behaviors change.

Total Access comes with 12 pre-built curricula, but RAIN Group’s modular design allows you to quickly build custom curricula to fit the unique learning needs of your team.

It also opens up the possibility of just-in-time learning so you can assign individual modules as your sellers and managers encounter specific sales situations.

What is the 90-Day Sales Achievement Challenge?

The 90-Day Sales Achievement Challenge is an essential component to ensure sellers apply and retain what they learn in training. The challenge is led by your managers and coaches to get their teams motivated, focused, and executing. Each month has an important focus:

  • Launch: Designed to ensure sellers apply new sales skills and habits right away to get on the right track. If not, inertia will take hold and they’ll forget what they learned and revert to old ways of doing things.
  • Amplification: Focuses on challenging sellers to push their skill and productivity gains to the extreme limit. If not, potential remains untapped and old behaviors re-emerge.
  • Embedding: Focuses on making new behaviors permanent.
What reinforcement is included in Total Access?

In addition to 85 manager coaching guides, each module is accompanied by knowledge check quizzes and scenario-based RAIN Mail reinforcement to ensure learning is practiced, retained, and applied.

Plus, you’ll receive an Enable Toolkit filled with ideas you can implement to keep training top of mind.

What does Train the Trainer certification entail?

Train the Trainer is flexible to support facilitators of varying experience and different learning styles. Certification provides everything required to prepare for and deliver all content.

We offer two certification levels for Train the Trainer:

  • Certified Facilitator: Working 1:1 with a RAIN Group Master Facilitator, facilitators learn delivery best practices and expectations and are equipped to deliver all content.
  • Master Facilitator: At the next level, Master Facilitators are certified to train other trainers in your organization, upskilling them to deliver content while retaining RAIN Group’s exacting facilitation standards.

Total Access includes 96 facilitator walkthroughs of every module and learning program, setting all facilitators up for success from the onset.

Learn more about RAIN Group’s Train the Trainer process. east

We already have an LMS. Do we have to use yours?

No, you do not have to use our LMS. While it is easy to use, intuitive, and has been developed to meet best practices and optimized for our content, we understand not wanting to add another platform to your tech stack.

Our videos, knowledge checks, tools, reinforcement, supplementary resources, and learning journeys can be packaged and built into your existing LMS.

What implementation support will I receive?

You’ll get the greatest results from your investment with our Client Engagement implementation and support team, as well as RAIN Group’s Implementation Playbook, ensuring seamless integration and use across your sales organization.

Total Access includes a robust onboarding program that includes orientation, project management, communication plans, and a 12-month training plan and roll out schedule. Our team will partner with you on the launch of your first program to ensure your leaders are set up for success for each subsequent launch.