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Infographic: The Road to Becoming an Insight Seller

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Written by Erica Schultz
Chief Marketing Officer, RAIN Group

In Insight Selling: Surprising Research on What Sales Winners Do Differently, we reveal the results of our extensive analysis of over 700 B2B purchases from the buyer’s perspective.

In our research, we found that sales winners consistently exhibit behaviors on three levels: they connect, convince, and collaborate.

  1. Connect
    • Sellers connect the dots between buyers’ needs and solutions they offer.
    • Sellers connect with people by listening to buyers and connecting with them personally.
  2. Convince
    • Sellers persuade buyers they will achieve worthwhile results.
    • Sellers minimize the perception of risk by demonstrating experience, building trust, and inspiring confidence.
    • Sellers persuade buyers they are the best choice.
  3. Collaborate
    • Sellers collaborate with buyers by being proactive and responsive.
    • Sellers educate buyers with new ideas and perspectives.

In this infographic, we share the road to becoming an insight seller and what you need to do in each level to maximize your sales results.

And if you want to know more about our research and findings, be sure to pick up your copy of Insight Selling by bestselling authors Mike Schultz and John Doerr. Order your copy today.

Last Updated November 22, 2019

Topics: Insight Selling
