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Infographic: 30 Must-Know Sales Prospecting Stats and What They Mean for Sellers

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Written by Erica Schultz
Chief Marketing Officer, RAIN Group

How many attempts does it take to break through to busy buyers?

What offers are most accepted?

Do cold meetings convert to new business?

In our new benchmark report, Top Performance in Sales Prospecting, the RAIN Group Center for Sales Research uncovered the answers to these critical prospecting questions. With data from 488 B2B buyers and 489 sellers, we've cracked the code on what works in prospecting today.

This infographic highlights 30 must-know stats from our research and analysis and what they mean for sellers in today's world.

Click the infographic to enlarge (PDF).

30 Must-Know Sales Prospecting Stats

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RECOMMENDED READING >> 50 Powerful Sales Questions
Last Updated March 15, 2023

Topics: Sales Research Sales Prospecting
