Workforce Transformation Consultancy Sees 43% YOY Increase in New Business Wins Globally

Client: Lee Hecht Harrison
Industry: Talent Development, Career Transition Consulting
Services: Sales Training


Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) is a nationally recognized workforce transformation consultancy that has helped companies simplify leadership and workforce transformation to accelerate performance and reduce risk for over 50 years.

As the world's leading talent development and career transition company, Lee Hecht Harrison faced a new challenge: they were being out-sold in some marketplaces. Results of win/loss reviews indicated they weren't always performing as strongly as their competitors.

Company leadership attempted to pinpoint the issue. In order to win, their sellers needed to differentiate themselves, educate buyers, and collaborate with buyers during the sales process.


LHH reached out to RAIN Group and invited the firm's president and best-selling author of Insight Selling to speak at their annual sales meeting.

Trailing the conference, LHH rolled out a major change initiative for its sales teams around the globe using RAIN Group’s Insight Selling sales training, which teaches sellers and sales leaders how to create conversations with buyers based on new ideas and drive demand for their solutions.

RAIN Group also developed customized Insight Selling messaging tools focused on specific stories and questions LHH sellers could use to educate buyers.

RAIN Group delivered 15 workshops around the world in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe, and LATAM, reaching roughly 300 participants. The subsequent online training reached an additional 400 people.

In addition to the in-person workshops and online sales training, the strategies learned by sales leaders and sellers were reinforced through RAIN MailSM, a mobile and email app that presents sales scenarios with difficult choices and immediate feedback.


The Insight Selling program, including the customization, tools, action learning, and comprehensive learning system, played a crucial role in improving knowledge, sales skills, and results. Key metrics achieved by LHH include:

  • 43% YOY increase in new business wins globally
  • 37% YOY increase in new business opportunities globally
  • 25% increase in value of new business globally
  • The LATAM team improved sales by 15% and win rates on proposal business improved from 45% to 58%
  • Institutionalized Insight Selling as sales method and philosophy on 4 continents
"Insight Selling has transformed the way we sell and our results. We rolled the program out globally and it’s helped us not only meet, but also exceed our sales goals. Any time we introduce a new product, we make sure the training is based on the convincing story framework. Having the online portal and reinforcement helped to ensure that skills were learned and applied. This program was very well received by our sales leaders and sellers around the world."

- Jim Greenway, Executive Vice President of Sales Effectiveness, Lee Hecht Harrison

2 Ways to Learn More

RAIN Selling: Keys to Leading Masterful Sales Conversations

Keys to Leading Masterful Sales Conversations

Download our free ebook to learn the keys to RAIN Selling, our proven methodology for leading masterful sales conversations.


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