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Not Today Book Tools

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Thanks for your interest in book tools for Not Today: The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity. We've compiled a selection of resources to help you apply the lessons of Not Today to your everyday life and career.

Productivity Code Planner (Click here to download)

A collection of planning and tracking tools to improve your goal-setting and productivity. 

  • TIME Tracker 
  • Goal Setting Worksheet
  • Habit Change Blueprint Worksheet
  • TIME Table Worksheet
  • 90-Day Productivity Code Challenge 

New Reality Exercise (Click here to download)

Examine where you are and discover where you want to be.

Self-Talk Exercise (Click here to download)

The first step toward changing your belief is changing how you talk to yourself.

TIME Sprinting FAQ (Click here to download)

All you need to know to establish a daily routine of planned TIME Sprints.

Productivity Code Quick Reference Guide (Click here to download)

A series of infographics to refresh and reinforce the habits of The Productivity Code. 

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