Sales Leadership

Defining the path to overall success, and architecting the system to allow the teams to achieve at their potential.

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Sales Management

Working to help each seller reach their potential on a day-to-day basis.

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Sales Performance Environment

Allowing sellers to sell effectively, and providing the tools to help them win.

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Drive Account Growth

Penetrating, expanding, and protecting a company's most important accounts.

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Drive Self

Directing their own success, making their own plans of action, managing their own time and activities, and managing their pipelines to yield maximum business.

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Drive Opportunity

Leading the process of winning a sale, including planning to build relationships, leading masterful conversations, and influencing buyers.

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Relationship Mastery

Sellers must build strong relationships as they affect success at every stage of the sales process.

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Conversation Mastery

Sellers must lead masterful conversations across the sales process and with strategic accounts.

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Influence Mastery

It's the job of a seller to influence buyer agendas, actions, and decisions.

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The ultimate recognition of creating value is winning the sale. Winning doesn’t just happen, though. Sellers have to make it happen and beat the competition.

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Assuming you are selected by the buyer, often you enter a negotiation phase. The idea is to maintain margin and prices by focusing on value over price.

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You have to communicate the full value of the solution so the buyer understands it as well as you do.

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Fill Pipeline

You can’t sell if you don’t have opportunities. If value is the outcome, then infuse value in the prospecting process itself.

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Craft Solution

Whether you or the buyer drives the need, once you understand it, you must craft a solution that actually creates the most value.

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Drive/Discover Need

With needs discovery, the idea is to find out what may be most valuable to a buyer when they indicate they have need. Most sales processes focus solely on needs discovery. That’s only half the story. Sellers should also drive need proactively. With driving need, the idea is to find untapped value in the market and at accounts, and then make a case for doing something about it that creates value for the buyer.

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At the center is value. When sellers can create value, they win. This is the end goal. Everything else in the wheel connects to value.