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On-Demand Webinar

Sales training fails to deliver long-term business results much more often than it succeeds. In fact, our research shows that only 18% of sales organizations rate their training as effective.

The problem?

Most training doesn’t change sellers’ behaviors.

Transforming your sales results requires abandoning typical training in favor of training as a change management initiative.

In this webinar, Andy Springer, Chief Client Officer of RAIN Group, will guide you through a research-backed blueprint to ensure sales training drives behavior change and provides measurable short-term and long-term business results. You’ll walk away with a more informed perspective on sales training and practical tips for building a successful program that sticks.

You’ll learn:

  • Critical success factors required for sales training as a change management initiative
  • How to design sales training that drives business results (and how to define the results you want)
  • The differences between effective sales training vs. typical sales training
  • How modern learners need sales training delivered so it’s retained and applied
  • The impact of effective sales training on top sales performance
  • Keys to ensure sellers are willing to accept reinforcement and coaching
  • How to enable and equip sales managers with the skills and tools they need to support behavior change on their teams
  • Plus, you’ll leave with an actionable blueprint you can use to evaluate current training initiatives or launch your next one.

If you’re conducting a sales training initiative this year, this webinar will provide valuable guidance to ensure you have a higher chance of transforming your sellers into top performers and driving key results in your business.

Fill out the form to watch the on-demand webinar.

Build Better Sales Training

Build Better Sales Training: A Proven Blueprint to Boost Performance